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Ayrıca Ankara ve çevresi için günlük turlar ayarlanmaktadır. Plazamızda 600 araçlık kapalı otopark mevcut olup, gerektiğinde plaza önündeki personel size yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyacaktır. Capital Plazada aynı zamanda engelli misafirler içinde daire bulunmaktadır.
Dreyfuss gives you more than a place to live,. Live with all the conveniences at Capital Plaza Apartments, located off North Capital Street NW downtown Washington, DC. Just a few minute walk to the Capitol Building, Union Station, Chinatown, and Smithsonian Museums. Capital Plaza has a professional staff that residents can count on to do things right the first time and who take a great deal of pride in their community. No pets are permitted aside from service animals.